Aside from all the world schooling community activities we have had some tasty food. Early on we found some favourite local haunts like the local chicken noodle soup place.
Our apartment has a lovely big pool as well. I’ve managed to take a few early evening dips by myself - managing to get some proper lengths in! But I have to make sure I am out before it gets too dark as the bats start swooping down onto the water!
We spent evenings chilling on the beach near us, watching the sun set, learning poi and generally messing about in the sea.
We’ve all had massages as you should in Thailand and mine left me suitably bruised! We’ve also seen a fair few films over the month - Moana and Wicked were particularly good fun (for the kids!).
We have also been entertained for the whole month by the road works outside our apartment. They are able to lay road down so quickly here!
We took a longboat trip one evening round the mangroves. Our guide was super - he let Olive and Selina get out the boat and climb over the mud to plant new mangroves. It was one of our highlights of our entire month in Koh lanta!
For my birthday we headed over to Old Town and spent the day wandering round enjoying the more peaceful side of the island and buying lots of stuff from the markets.
Me, Selina and Boo pushed ourselves out of the comfort zone by trying fried insects at a local festival near us! The caterpillars, crickets and grubs were quite tasty really in a nutty way! This will be the future anyway with climate change! I could easily eat a plate of crickets for dinner!!
Random pictures: