Saturday, July 20, 2013


We have been in Marcala in Honduras for nearly 2 weeks now. Its a small town about 2 hours drive from the capital Tegucigalpa. We stopped at a children's home on the way which was really eye opening, everything was so basic, but the children were all so happy. Pete was carrying one girl round on his shoulders and playing skipping with the other children which they thought was hilarious!

In Marcala, we have cleared a cabbage and broccoli farm and taught British games to primary school children. Pete is now working on collecting and analysing data from around the region, they keep feeding him, so generally his perfect job! I'm spending a lot of my week working hard farming the land in the heat! One of us seems to have come out of this better than the other!

Pete and the team on our way to clear cabbages!

Pete's office:

It feels safe where we are living, and we have an apartment which is very secure. They let a big dog out at 9pm, so we have to make sure we are home early every night! But Honduras is not a very safe country. Murder and gangs are rife and most of the country is armed, we have seen soooo many guns. We are not allowed out alone and are not supposed to be out after dark - about 6.30pm!

The biggest news in the press last weekend was that it was the first day in 10 years that a new murder had not been discovered.

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