To end our Christmas break, before getting back into the usual routines, we spent a couple of nights up in a village in the mountains looking down on Oaxaca. It took hours to travel 40 miles, two buses and two taxis, but we made it to the cabanos (cabins) in Capulalpam. A really small place which felt really friendly and safe. We have been told great stuff about the surrounding villages, but the virus has meant that they have all been closed to tourists for ages and even now only a few places are open. We actually changed taxis in Ixtlan which is still closed to tourists!
Our cabanos were in a forest, a twenty minute walk from the village. Everybody we came across took time to say hello and chat to us. On the first evening we sat in the lovely church and then some fireworks were set off and lots of local people came in and music was played, great fun and a lucky chance encounter!
We all went for a traditional temazcal which basically involved standing in a coal fired steam room in our pants and hitting ourselves with tree branches. Great! It was weird but fun and made our skin look great. Again, everyone was super friendly.
Before heading back we went to a nearby restaurant with a play park, lovely stream and a swing bridge. Very relaxing and stunning surroundings. As we were walking there a pick up from the cabanos pulled over and gave us a lift, me and Olive jumped in the back, we both loved it.
Photos of the cabanos, village, pick up and nearby restaurant.
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